
 Therapy of Albuquerque


Ever Wonder Where You Got That Idea?

Constructivism suggests that the meanings we attach to reality, our lives and our world are not objective.  They reflect all we have learned and assimilated, but they are one of an infinite number of ways to construe or interpret the world - they are personal constructs.  Once we understand that meaning is not inherent in things, events, or behaviors we can begin to investigate the meanings that we attach to the world of perception and we can also begin to modify those meanings according to a design that will serve us.

There has been a lot of research into what types of therapy work best.  Evidence indicates that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most effective type of treatment for depression, anger management, anxiety, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders, mood disorders, PTSD, and most other behavioral issues.  Moreover, CBT is proven to work best when certain methods from Humanist and Psychodynamic therapies are in the mix.


Coherence Therapy (CT) recognizes that not only does our thinking control our moods; it goes both ways, our moods also trigger our thinking patterns.  Furthermore, we are not usually aware of what events generated our emotional response and in turn our reflexive behaviors.  Much of what we learned, especially our moods and adaptive behaviors are rooted in unconscious emotional learning.  Coherence therapy makes use of the recent scientific data gathered from EEG’s, fMRI’s, PET scans and the neurological investigation into how the brain functions and offers methods to uncover unconscious emotional learning and, by conscious choice, transform those old reflexive patterns into new adaptive behaviors. A considerable amount of new evidence in the field of neuroscience indicates that CT makes the fullest use of the brains innate plasticity or ability to change itself.


Just as CBT emphasizes cognitive restructuring, or learning to think about things differently, Coherence Therapy emphasizes emotional restructuring, or actually changing our habitual emotional response.  Combining CBT and Coherence Therapy eliminates dissonance between the intellectual and emotional, or the thinking and feeling selves, so that change is not only possible, it is comfortable.


Treating the presenting problem should and probably will be the primary goal of any and all psychotherapists.  Moreover, a good therapist will let you know honestly and up-front if they truly believe they can help you.  While treating the presenting problem is the primary goal of psychotherapy, I also focus on what I believe should be the two underlying goals of all psychotherapy. 


First, the therapist should be assisting the client in developing new ways of dealing with the inevitable problems that life will ceaselessly present.  After we deal with a behavior that no longer serves you such as a specific fear, compulsion, relationship issue, etc. that does not mean that another issue will not manifest.  Therefore, the goal of CC Therapy is not to just help you with a specific behavior, say addiction or an eating disorder, or even managing a relationship – the goal is to give you the tools to filter your impressions through the clear lens of reason, and manage your moods and emotions as you choose.


Second and equally important my goal as a therapist is to help you improve your general disposition.  Research verifies what you have already observed - that some people just seem to be happier than other people. We all know a grinch or two, just as we all know some people that are almost always happy and optimistic.  What we did not know until recently is that our overall emotional set-point, our level of everyday happiness can be elevated.  Regardless of situation and circumstances, we have within us the power to become happier people. 


If you have any questions about whether this type of therapy is right for you, please feel free to call me.

Take a closer look.

If you’re interested in learning more about CBT, Constructivism, or Coherence Therapy, Wiki is a great place to start;


If you have any questions about whether this type of therapy is right for you, please feel free to call me; 505-270-4398